近日,曾经火遍网络的美国连体“双头姐妹”再次引发关注。这对姐妹有 2 个头,共用1个身体,早在她们6岁的时候,就登上过美国全国性电视节目,经历还被拍摄成纪录片《携手度过余生》。更让人难以置信的是,根据外媒的最新报道,姐妹之一的Abby Hensel已于2021 年结婚。Abby Hensel, now 34, from Minnesota,tied the knotwith Josh Bowling, 33, a nurse and armyveteranin 2021, according to public records obtained by TODAY.来自明尼苏达州的艾比·亨塞尔今年34岁,据《今日秀》获得的公共记录显示,她于 2021 年与 33 岁的乔什·鲍林结婚,乔什是一名护士和退伍军人。tie the knot:结婚,指两个人举行婚礼并成为夫妻。veteran:n.老兵,退伍军人;adj.经验丰富的,老练的作为连体双胞胎,其中一人结婚,另一人也不得不进入这段婚姻。这不算一夫多妻吗?如果另一个女孩,也想要结婚该怎么办......一时之间,世界各地的网友们议论纷纷。时间回到1990年3月。Patty Hensel在产房诞下一个女婴,让在场所有的医生目瞪口呆,只见这个女婴竟然1个身体上竟然长了2个头!医生告诉Patty和她的丈夫Mike,分离手术风险很大,两个人都活下来的可能性微乎其微。于是,Abby和Brittany就这样开始了她们的“共享人生”。Abby and Brittany aredicephalusconjoined twins, which is a rare form of partial twinning where two heads both share one torso.艾比和布列塔尼是双头连体双胞胎,这是一种罕见的双胞胎,两个头,共用一个身体。As well as sharing all organs below the waist, the twins also share a bloodstream. Brittany controls their left arm and leg, while Abby controls the right.除了共用腰部以下的所有器官之外,这对双胞胎还共用一个血液循环系统。布列塔尼控制她们的左臂和左腿,而艾比控制右臂和右腿。dicephalus:n.[妇产] 双头畸胎Abby and Brittany first captivated the world in 1996 when they appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and the cover of Life Magazine.1996年,艾比和布列塔尼首次登上《奥普拉脱口秀》和《生活杂志》的封面,吸引了全世界的目光。They then lived a quiet, normal life with their family, keeping away from the media spotlight until they agreed to appear on a documentary for TLC when they turned 16.然后,她们和家人过着平静、正常的生活,远离媒体的聚光灯,直到16岁时同意出现在TLC的一部纪录片中。People have been curious about us since we were born, for obvious reasons," the twins said in the first episode of the eight-part series, per ABC. "But our parents never let us use that as an excuse. We were raised to believe we could do anything we wanted to do."据美国广播公司 (ABC) 报道,这对双胞胎姐妹在八集纪录片的第一集里说:“打从我们出生起,人们就对我们很感兴趣,这很明显。” “但是我们的父母从来没有让我们把这当成借口。他们教育我们相信,我们可以做任何想做的事。”In their documentary, Brittany added: 'We usually bargain with each other, like "if you do this, I'll give you that".'在纪录片中,布列塔尼补充道:“我们通常会互相讨价还价,比如‘如果你做这个,我就给你那个’。”Growing up, they enjoyed sports such as bowling, volleyball, cycling, softball and swimming.在成长过程中,她们喜欢保龄球、排球、骑自行车、垒球和游泳等运动。And on their 16th birthday they passed their driving test, amind-bogglingfeat of teamwork with each twin using one arm to control the steering wheel.16岁生日那天,她们通过了驾驶考试,这是一项令人难以置信的合作壮举,两个人分别用一只手臂控制方向盘。mind-boggling:adj.令人难以置信的;令人惊异的The Hensels later starred in the feel-good TLC reality series “Abby and Brittany," which showed them driving, traveling to Europe and even riding a moped.后来,这对姐妹参加了TLC的真人秀节目《艾比和布列塔尼》,节目展示了她们驾驶汽车、去欧洲旅行甚至骑摩托车等生活片段。When the show ended after one season, Abby and Brittany had just graduated from college with degrees in education.该节目只有一季,结束后,艾比和布列塔尼也刚从大学毕业,获得了教育学学位。After the show ended, they stepped away from the spotlight and pursued a career teaching elementary school students in Minnesota.节目结束后,她们离开了聚光灯,在明尼苏达州当小学教师。尽管住在同一个身体里,但Abby和Brittany是两个完全不同的人。Though the pair share many organs, they experience separate hungers and separate urges to urinate and sleep. Their nervous systems are also distinct, according to Time.尽管这对双胞胎共用许多器官,但她们的饥饿感、排尿和睡眠的欲望都是独立的。据《时代周刊》报道,她们的神经系统也各不相同。When growing up, they, like many twins, had very different personalities and tastes. Abigail, the feisty, stubborn one, liked orange juice for breakfast, while Brittany, the joker of the family, would only touch milk.就像许多双胞胎一样,她们在成长过程中有着截然不同的性格和喜好。性格活泼倔强的艾比喜欢早餐喝橙汁,而爱开玩笑的布列塔尼则只喝牛奶。在纪录片中,Abby和Brittany曾经表示,她们不想公开自己的恋爱情况,但非常向往成为母亲。2021年,网络上出现了她们身穿婚纱,与一位男子跳舞的视频,网友们怀疑她们是不是结婚了,但姐妹俩未回应。据美国媒体最新报道,证实Abby已于2021年结婚,男方是一名离婚的退伍军人兼护士,带着一个 8 岁的女儿,三人跳舞的视频正是男方的母亲发布的。最近这段时间外网突然多了很多关于姐妹俩的讨论,终于在3月28日,她们发文回应:“The internet is extra LOUD today.We have always been around.”“今天的互联网似乎特别吵闹。我们一直都在彼此的身边。”看完Abby和Brittany的故事,不得不感叹她们这三十多年来人生的不易,她们这一辈子都要面对他人怪异的目光,以及外界对她们私生活的窥探欲。而对于她们自己来说,最大的心愿,可能就是过普通人的生活。祝福这对姐妹未来的人生平安幸福!新的一年,如果你想提高自己的口语交流能力,欢迎加入Hitalk,0元试听,1V1定制口语提升方案:Hitalk口语试学计划5课时 沪江口语美式音标5课时 五步玩转纯正口语10课时 10天秀出地道口语10课时 10天搞定出境游口语现在统统免费领取↑长按识别免费领取↑↑长按识别免费领取↑想不想提升外语水平就看你自己的了点击阅读原文,0元试学



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